Friday, July 29, 2011


Today as I was going through some old files on my computer, I came across this prayer request that I sent to some of you on August 31, 2006. Many of you are very familiar with my sister's condition and have been very faithful to pray for her over the past 5 years. At this time she needs much prayer! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every prayer that you have ever prayed on her behalf and ask that you please continue to pray for her as the Lord brings her to your mind. I will pick up from the original prayer requests and hit a few highlights and then share how you can pray at this time....

Aug 2006 - My dad called last night to let me know that my sister was involved in an accident yesterday morning around 4 am. She is in Norfolk, Virginia in ICU. She is on a ventilator and has head and back injuries. As of last night she couldn't feel her legs. (We would learn later that she was paralyzed from the chest down.) My mom drove all night and is there today, but I haven't talked with her yet. I didn't find out until around 10 last night and needless to say I was very upset...I prayed and asked God to help me talk to someone there who would pray. My dad gave me the number to the hospital and I was able to talk to Terri's nurse. Her name is Jenny and I asked her if she was a Christian and she said, "Yes, I am!" It was very emotional, but I told her how lost my sister and my mom are and asked her to please pray over Terri and in her room and she assured me that she would!! WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!! Please pray for her today and I will let you know something as soon as I do. My mom can't see her until 10 this morning and I need wisdom on whether or not to go myself. Thank you so much for praying and for praying for my mom and sister over the past years....I pray that this is what God will use to show Himself mighty!!

The greatest news out of all of this is that Terri cried out to the Lord for salvation as she was lying in a ditch waiting on the ambulance on that very night. She has had many difficult, pain-filled, and low days since that time, but one thing remains that nothing can change...she is a child of the King!! And He has indeed shown Himself mighty in too many ways to list in this space!

At this time, she is in the hospital in Dothan, Alabama. She has a very serious infection in her blood stream and her blood pressure has dipped so low in the past couple of days that we thought she wouldn't make it. Without going into too much detail, she is having surgery next week to remove her hip joint, part of her pelvic bone and part of her femur due to the infection.

Thank you for praying for her. I am so thankful that He promises to take everything about our lives and work them out for our good and His glory! Terri and I love 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and temporary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all! So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal!"

Thanking God for you!!


Monday, April 4, 2011


I have been studying the life of David. He has always been one of my personal favorites because his story gives me hope! To see all of his sin and to know that he was known as a man after God's own heart is encouraging! The more I have studied and read about his life, the more clearly it becomes to me that what made David such a man after God was that he stepped out and owned up to all of his stuff!

C.S. Lewis said, "When I invited Jesus in my life, I thought He was going to put up some wallpaper and hang a few pictures. But He started knocking out walls and adding on rooms. I said, 'I was expecting a nice cottage.' But He said, 'I'm making a palace in which to live.'" King David didn't just live in a palace. He was a palace. And so are you! You are God's palace, God's temple. And He wants to dwell in you. But that requires major renovation. And it often starts with demolition. God needs to tear down our facades so He can re-lay the foundation.

There are things that you know about you and so do others. Then there are things that you know about you that others don't. There are things that others know about you that you can't see. This is when we all need a Nathan in our lives to point those areas out to us that need change. But most importantly, there are things about you that you can't see nor can anyone else. They are invisible to everyone except the All-Seeing Eye! This is where the Holy Spirit plays such a vital role in our lives. Until we are willing to see ourselves through His eyes, we'll never get a vision of who He wants us to be and who He is remaking us to be! Our TRUE identity!

We aren't very in to self-examination these days. We'd rather watch reality TV and live vicariously through others. We know more about our favorite celebrity than we know about ourselves. It's so much easier to work on someone else than ourselves! We must take a good, long look in the mirror. My daughter and I have been looking for just the right mirror for her bedroom for awhile now and just can't seem to find the right one. The ones we find are either too big, too expensive or not the right shape. Well, the good news for us is that the perfect mirror for our assignment is already within our reach and it is the Word! The mirror that gives us the truest reflection of ourselves is Scripture!

When we look into the mirror of God's Word, we find Him! The more you read it, the more you will reflect Him! The book of James likens the Bible to a mirror. Meditating on it is the way we can get an accurate picture of who we are....we can see the real "me" inside of ourselves. It reveals sins, wrong motives, attitudes....many of these that we may not even see in ourselves. Just as we study ourselves in the mirror when we get all dressed up to go somewhere, we must study ourselves in the mirror of God's Word to meditate on the reflection we see. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work!" So take a long, hard look into the mirror today and get to know the deepest thoughts and intentions of your heart. Invite God to show you the real you and ask Him not to leave you that way....He is your REDEEMER and RESTORER!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This week has been very out of the ordinary for me personally. I have had to come face to face with the reality that my dad can no longer take care of himself. It's quite the pill to swallow and some of you know exactly what I mean. But, at the same time, it has been an incredible week spiritually speaking.

My dad was an alcoholic most of my growing up life. He gave all of that up in the mid 80's and became a very different man. But in August of 1998, he surrendered his life to Christ and began to grow into one of the godliest men I know. He suddenly had a hunger for the Word like no one I have ever known personally. He read the entire bible through 5 or 6 times the first year he was saved and studied it for hours each day. He devoured every Warren Wiersbe book or CD that I gave him. He became really involved in his church and served it well. I was constantly challenged in my walk with the Lord just by observing him.

He can no longer carry on a lengthy conversation and our days of talking about the Word or all the stories behind the many, many old family pictures that he cherished are gone. But, he is a beautiful picture of what it looks like to finish well. The first half of his life was wasted, spiritually speaking, but boy has he made up for it in the last half. He has pressed on and laid hold of that which matters...Jesus Christ! That was so very evident even yesterday as my step-mom and I went through some of his pictures, notes he had taken while listening to sermons, and observations he had made about specific scriptures in the margins of his bible.

My dad is a living, breathing example of how radically Jesus can change a life! My dad is a picture of what it looks like to finish your race well and my dad is my hero for so many reasons! I thank the Lord for giving him to me as a dad and I look forward to every day that I have left to serve him and love him just as he is!

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Got You Covered!"

My scripture readings have me in Exodus right now and yesterday I read the ten commandments. As you know, the first four are about our love for God and the last 6 deal with our love for others. God has really convicted me about some things and highlighted several strong quotes for me this week, but today He drew a picture for me!

We had a tornado drill at school this morning. I don't know how many of you have worked in a primary school, or have ever taken part in a drill of this sort, but the kids get on their knees and bend over and put their heads on the floor with their arms covering the backs of their heads. Get the picture? Well, along with this position comes the trouble of many children having shirts that ride up their little backs and leave other things exposed. So, as I was busy going down the line pulling shirts down and tucking them in, my eyes filled with tears as the Lord asked me how often I do that for my brothers and sisters in the faith! When someone we know has something "exposed" are we busier trying to help them or call attention to the exposure? Henry Drummond said, "The greatest thing a man can do for his Heavenly Father is to be kind to His other children!"

May the Lord help us to live in harmony with one another, be sympathetic to one another, love one another and be full of compassion! Romans 12:10 says, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves!" Another translation says, "give preference to one another!" You and I both know that left to ourselves, in our flesh, that is not our tendency! Without the Holy Spirit living in us, we cannot love others the way that He has commanded us to love! That love can only come from Him when we truly love the Lord our God with all our hearts, all of our souls, and all of our minds!

So, I challenge you (and myself) to spend the rest of the week looking for ways to cover one another's back! Someone once said, "Our sociology reflects our theology!" Let's grace others the way that Jesus has graced us over and over again!