Monday, July 26, 2010


Our pastor pointed out a scripture Sunday from the Amplified Bible that is powerful. Romans 5:10 says, "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sin's dominion ) through His (resurrection) life." The message of that verse holds such hope!! Your salvation is a daily deliverance from sin's dominion! What are you struggling with right now? Are you saved? Well, here is awesome news! Your salvation is working in you a daily deliverance from that struggle! The love that caused Christ to die is the same love that sends the Holy Spirit to live in us and guide us every day. The power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that saved you and is available to you in your daily life! Just think, you have a reserve of power to call on each day, for help to meet every challenge you have.

God uses the strangest things to illustrate principles to me. The other day I was outside and the polaris kept getting stuck on the ladder and I kept going over and moving it off and into the pool. After several times I was frustrated and on the way to it, I said to Emilee exactly what the Holy Spirit was saying to me. "There is a whole pool out there and you just want to keep getting stuck on the ladder. It's the same with us when we just keep returning to that same sin, or that same struggle when God has given us so much freedom on the other side." WOW! Isn't it true? Why do we do that? He tells us right there in Romans that He has already done everything it takes to be delivered on a daily basis from sin's dominion. He also promises us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that, "No temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads) has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man. But God is faithful (to His Word and to His compassionate nature), and He (can be trusted) not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will (always) also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently." (AMPLIFIED) What a word!

I am praying this over you today! You can know that you do not have to fall into the traps that satan has set for you! He will and He HAS ALREADY planned a way out for you, a landing place (don't you just love that?) Picture yourself in a plane (a situation or a struggle) with no place to land and just at the moment that you think you are going to crash and your end has come, you see a landing place! WOW! I love that picture. I will leave you with this wonderful promise: "The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and my DELIVERER; my God is my Rock, in Whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation"....He is your DAILY DELIVERER!!

I love you and I am praying for you!

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