Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A friend of mine and I have been discussing our grandmothers lately. Mine went home to be with the Lord in 2001, but hers is still alive and well at the young age of 96!! My grandparents practically raised me. They meant the world to me. Everything I know about the Lord came from them. Proverbs 13:22 says, "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children." An inheritance is defined as "the acquisition of a possession from past generations." I am one rich woman because of the inheritance they left me. No, I'm not talking about material things. As a matter of fact, most everything in their home at the time of their death was borrowed from one person in the family or another. They lived in a small 2 bedroom wooden framed house. Material things were never important to them, but living a godly life before their Maker and loving their children, grandchildren and great-grands is what they sought after. We must ask ourselves the question: Is that the kind of inheritance that we are working every day to leave our children and children's children? Or do we concentrate more on what we are building up in the bank account for them?... The things that moth and rust destroy... Or the things that will last forever? Are we more concerned about what kind of house they will live in and how many square feet it will have or the impact that they will make on a lost and dying world for Jesus? It is so easy to get caught up in the "practical", but I know that the desire of our hearts is to remembered by all that come behind us just the way I remember my grandparents.....
The House that Love Built
There stands a little white frame house
In a yard that's always groomed
The occupants are not at home
It all seems doom and gloom
But at one time, not long ago
They were there, you see.
The place was such a haven
For Andy, the kids and me.
The house was plain and simple
Just barely kept out the cold
But, oh, the love that that place held
Was more than this heart can hold
If only those old walls could talk.
I'd sit for hours on end
And listen to the memories shared
And wish for one more moment to spend.
They can change the trim or tear it down
Or move it down the lane
But the little house that love built
Will forever there remain.
Let it be said of us!
Love you!

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