Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Have you ever felt the Lord leading you somewhere that you weren't especially thrilled about going? I bet you have if you have followed Him for very long. I know that I definitely have, but have found out the hard way that it is so much easier to just submit to His ways and go versus planting my feet! I couldn't help but think about the times that I have resisted His leading when I heard a young mom say this past weekend that she has always told her small children that they could hold her hand or she would hold their hair!! Has God ever had to hold your hair?? WOW! That hurts, doesn't it? But I have to admit that even in the times that He has had to pull me by my hair, once we arrived, I knew immediately that was the place to be!! So, I have come to the conclusion that the walk is so much more pleasant holding His hand and enjoying the stroll instead of being pulled bald-headed!!

Follow His leading!
Love you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I read a quote in Streams yesterday that goes something like this, "Jesus Christ isn't my security against the storms of life, but my perfect security in the storms. He doesn't promise an easy passage, only a safe landing!" After thinking about that for a while, it occurred to me that many situations we face wouldn't be nearly as stressful if we knew ahead of time how they would turn out. For instance, when you are on a plane and the weather gets bad and the plane begins rocking, you could be so much more at ease if you knew for certain that you would land safely ahead of time. Or, when I am watching one of my daughter's soccer games and we are down 2 to 1 I could be still and calm so much more easily if I knew ahead of time they would win.

Well, that is exactly the guarantee that we have about our very life and how it all ends! So, we should be at ease because we already know ahead of time that we are going to have the perfect ending! Not only is He our perfect security in the storms, but Revelation 19:11 says it this way...."I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True...and on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!" WOW!! Talk about a perfect ending!!

I love you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Last Friday was "Storybook Character Dress-Up Day" at school. As I was going in the building, Marcus (name change! :) ) was coming in also. Marcus is a precious little boy who happens to have a mental disability. He was dressed in regular clothes, but immediately shouted out to me, "I a cowboy!" I said, "Wow! Marcus, that is awesome!" To which he responded, "Yeah, I ride a horse!" I again told him how excited I was for him and that he was a great cowboy. We walked down the hall in silence for a few minutes then all of a sudden out of nowhere he yelled out, "HeeHaw!" It was one of the most precious things I have ever witnessed!

I know that I was there to be the teacher, but the Lord pulled me into His classroom for a moment where He asked me several questions. He has told me in His Word that I am a "Daughter of the King." Am I as confident of my identity as Marcus was? Marcus had convinced himself that he was a cowboy for the day, with or without the outfit to prove it. There would have been no changing his mind about the matter! He even acted like a cowboy. He was living out his belief about who he was!

Do you believe what God says about you or do you tend to let satan and the world label you? Do you speak truth to yourself and agree with who God says you are? Do you exhibit the behaviors that go along with being royalty? Ladies, it's time that we proclaim with our mouths and live out with our lives the role that God has placed us in. He has written each of us into a story, His story, and let me tell you that it does have a happy ending and you are the object of His affection in this one!!
I love you sister!