Several years ago I saw Beth Moore illustrate a point that I have never forgotten. She had about 12 women lined up on a platform, all wearing coats.. As they turned around one by one, they all had different signs on their backs. One said unworthy, another rejected, another needy and the list goes on and on. She pointed out that we are all tempted to wear labels around like cloaks. We put on those things that others say about us or that we just simply begin to think about ourselves over the years.
I am here to say to you and to myself that we have worn those coats for far too long! It is time to clean out your closet, dear one! You are not any of those things that the enemy of your soul would love to stifle you with! Remember, he is out for total destruction! Instead, we need to go to the Word, the book of Truth, to see what He says about us!
I saw a verse this past weekend that has rocked my world! Romans 13:14 says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ!" Now that is an awesome thought! So there it is, the answer to all your wardrobe issues! No more wondering what to wear or allowing the world to tell you how to dress! They will weigh you down every time with all those cloaks we mentioned earlier, but our Savior keeps it simple!
So, in the morning when you get dressed to go out and face the day, don't forget to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" and allow all you are going to face to go through Him first! He is looking good on you!
I love you!